Friday, February 10, 2012

Steven Yates book, Four Cardinal Errors


This blog is about a new book, published on December 2, 2011 by Brush Fire Press International (based in Spartanburg, S.C.). The book is entitled Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic, and I am its author. I will state my credentials up front (once we are more set up they will appear to the side): I have a doctorate in philosophy; I earn the bulk of my living teaching the subject; and I write regularly about current events with attempts to look behind the surface. Perhaps in a future post I will discuss what I think of as my "awakening" (or, for those who prefer Matrix imagery, my "unplugging," which encompassed several years--there was no singular, lightning-flash event). But for now, let me just talk about the book, since this blog is about the book and its ideas, not about me.

What are the Four Cardinal Errors?

Glad you asked.

The Four Cardinal Errors are four core mistakes that have gradually brought about the decline of the greatest civilization history had given rise to. I don't claim, of course, that there are the only mistakes we Americans have made; but if we are seeking to understand the particulars of why our long term advance has slowed, why the only areas where we are still advancing appear to be in technology (most of it manufactured in China) and in indebtedness, these seem to this writer to be the most fundamental. Here, reduced to just one paragraph each (obviously, each needs far greater elaboration than I can provide in a single post), are the Four Cardinal Errors.

(1) The United States of America, which had just fought a war for independence from Great Britain, failed to secure full economic independence from the British Crown, ensconced in the City of London (the City within the City), also known as the wealthiest square mile on Earth. Its minions, especially the superwealthy Rothschild family, having established two central banks on U.S. soil only to see both shut down, continued meddling in our internal affairs until they were able to secure their ultimate prize: the Federal Reserve System founded in 1913. This central bank remained. How do we know we did not win full independence from the Crown? The matter involves a little-known but very important document known as the Jay Treaty of February 29, 1794. What is so special about the Jay Treaty? Although passed by our Congress and signed by our president, as the first "international agreement" it did not go into effect until it was proclaimed by His Brittanick Majesty, the King! Proclaiming is not an act recognized in our Constitution. It is an action performed by kings, not presidents. The history, role, and longstanding influence of the Jay Treaty is further explained in Chapter One.

(2) The United States of America, having established a Constitution which did not mention education as a responsibility of its federal government, nevertheless embraced a government educational system. This system, created by Horace Mann beginning in the 1840s, was steeped not in American founding principles but in Prussian philosophy. In the former, the individual person belongs to himself and his God; in the latter, he belongs to the state. At first, public schools seemed benign. Only a few theologians such as Cox and Dabney warned of danger. But by the latter half of the 1800s and especially in the 1900s, they were hijacked by the developing elite, via the Rockefeller-founded General Education Board and later via the Rockefeller-financed "progressive" education of John Dewey. (For more on "progressives" see (4).) The rest, as the saying goes, is history. Public schools--more accurately, government schools--have more and more fallen under the sway of federal mandates, and become training centers devoted to graduating obedient serfs who are willful mass consumers. For more details see Chapter Two.

(3) The United States of America, however we interpret it, was a Christian nation--not in the sense of having an established church or creed, but in the sense of its first generation (and their leaders) having embraced a native Christianty that suffused their lives and informed their thinking about the autonomous roles of the family, education, enterprise, and government. This was gradually replaced, starting in the late 1800s and continuing throughout the 1900s, with a materialism that, for the masses at least, would eventually be equally native and suffuse their lives in the same way--as a tacit worldview or mindset rather than a specific doctrine consciously embraced. Yet this materialism would not provide the basis for the autonomous family, autonomous education, responsible business, or limited government. Its ethics were utilitarian and relativistic--and ultimately, opportunistic. In the last analysis, it would pave the way for the replacement of God by the State: for those in charge of government at our founding believed themselves to answer to a Higher Power. Those in charge of the State today have no such beliefs. For the specifics see Chapter Three.

(4) The United States of America failed to recognize and circumvent the "penetration and permeation" of its major institutions--academia, unions, government, media, and so on--by the British Fabian Society founded in 1884. The Fabians, who openly declared themselves to be socialists, began publishing tracts around 1890. In 1895 they received a huge grant courtesy of the estate of a deceased member and used the money to found the London School of Economics, which shortly after the turn of the century was built up into what became one of the most prestigious social science universities in the world. The Fabians had come to the U.S. by this time where they became the first "progressives" (they realized that the term socialism had far more of a negative connotation in the U.S. than it did in Great Britain). Their members came to include John Dewey who founded both the "progressive" education movement we saw above and John Maynard Keynes who became the dominant economist in this country. David Rockefeller Sr., who would arguably become one of the most powerful and best-connected men in the world, studied at the LSA in the late '30s (he wrote a thesis entitled "Destitution Through Fabian Eyes"--see his Memoirs published in 2002). The role the Fabians played in bringing about the transformation of capitalism is described in Chapters Four and Five.

The Fabians had originally surrounded Woodrow Wilson, alongside banking leviathans such as J.P. Morgan. The two groups realized they wanted the same thing: power. They began to cooperate closely, with the banking titans handling the finances and the Fabians handling the intellectual side of the movement. They became what I call the superelite: the group of perhaps 300 extended families operating at the global level first to control as much of the world as possible by gaining control over banking and financial systems, and over education and the media. What is their goal? Domination, eventually establishing a world government. They are probably 90 percent of the way towards achieving that goal--sufficiently close that they no longer need to operate in secret, as did the founders of the Federal Reserve (for those details see G. Edward Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll Island published in 1994).

Which remains me: what I've developed in Four Cardinal Errors is not a "conspiracy theory." I will not allow that particular phrase of opprobrium to be applied to this work, because it isn't true. As I've explained in numerous articles, and will explain more in the future, conspiracies are hidden from us. A perfect conspiracy would be undetectable in principle. The superelite are not hiding. Many have written down and published their thoughts, just as Adolf Hitler did when he wrote Mein Kampf in the mid-1920s. I discuss examples at length, especially in Chapters Four and Five. I have already mentioned certain works, such as David Rockefeller's Memoirs. There are others, such as Zbigniew Brzezinski's Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era published in 1970 which gave rise to the founding of the Trilateral Commission three years later. Others close to the superelite have also written down their thoughts, beginning with Woodrow Wilson (in The New Freedom, 1912) and continuing through Carroll Quigley obviously (Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World In Our Time, orig. 1966). These are only a few. There are others, as we shall see.

We cannot say the truth isn't out there. We cannot say we weren't warned. There is no "conspiracy," except in the open sense written about back in the 1930s by H.G. Wells, best known for his science fiction and not as well known for his association with the Fabians. He did not write just The Time Machine and War of the Worlds but also The Open Conspiracy and The New World Order which looked to a future world controlled by a powerful elite. None of these works were hidden, or suppressed. If they are not well known, it is because so large a percentage of the public schooled American public is more interested in who will be the next American Idol than in how we got into our present economic predicament, or the apparent inability of our present political class to muster an effective response that will allow Americans to go back to work. Instead, we appear to be well on our way to becoming a third world nation with a very small middle class consisting of those who work for the federal government or under the superelite (or who have learned to invest very wisely!).

It might be useful to clear other debris out of our minds as well. Please don't view Four Cardinal Errors as, in some sense, a "right wing" book; nor is it a "left wing" book. We need to start thinking outside these narrow boxes which are worse than useless in coming to terms with the subject matter presented here. Nor is this a "libertarian" tract. I support Constitutionally limited government, which means there is a sphere of activity which government ought to do and not markets (run prisons, for example). Moreover, there can be reasonable rules for personal conduct grounded in common morality which government must enforce when no one else will do it; otherwise civilization again deteriorates. One of the things Four Cardinal Errors should make clear is the damage the materialist mindset has done to common morality and its capacity to motivate people to police their own conduct towards others, whether in business or in their personal lives.

I believe that if you've followed me this far, you will want to read the entire book:  Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic. How can you obtain a copy? At present there are three ways. It's on the Amazon site; that is an obvious place to obtain it. You can obtain it from the publisher (Brush Fire Press International, P.O. Box 923, Drayton, SC 29333). Or you can shoot me an email. My email address set up for this blog and this book is: I have a few copies left at $11.95 (slightly less than on Amazon), but they are going fast! Feel free to contact me.

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